Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is one of the best ways to directly get in front of people that are looking for your services. There are many different forms of digital marketing and we are certified experts in all areas that include:
- Google PPC
- Bing PPC
- Yahoo PPC
- Facebook Advertising
- Twitter Advertising
- Instagram Advertising
- Yext
Each one of these lines of marketing requires certain certifications and expertise so that you can be assured that your advertising dollars are being stretched as far as they can be with total effectiveness. There are subsets of marketing within some of the above mediums and we effectively ensure that the subsets are covered. These subsets include local and national efforts. Each of these presents different challenges, but not to us as we have been in the space almost since the inception of digital advertising and our constant recertification in all areas keeps us one step ahead of most.
We are a vertically integrated marketing agency. Our in-house creative team thoroughly understands the Behavioral Health market. We create, write and produce the content for the most effective digital marketing whether its headline and copy or videos. This also allows us to be very nimble and constantly test creatives to make sure that we are getting potential clients to react to what we are putting in front of them. You will find that we understand the potential client and we know how to get them to respond.
There are also more traditional “digital” forms of advertising that we take advantage of, display, native and banner ads. These are classified as digital but they rely more on creative and specific placement and this is where our experieince and understanding of your market and brand allows us to outperform our competition.
Since we have been in the Behavioral Health field for years there is no “ramp-up” time to understand the market, there is no testing to figure out the most effective keywords and there is no wasting of your precious ad budget for a learning curve for us. This will ultimately lower your cost per acquisition and increase your census.
Learn more about our digital marketing services.